Disclaimer High5 Loyalty B.V.
The information on this website has been put together with the greatest care. However, no rights can be derived from it. High5 Loyalty B.V. cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from inaccuracy or incompleteness (in the broadest sense of those words) of the information on this website.
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High5 Loyalty B.V. may make changes and corrections to this website and these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. Despite the constant attention to the quality of the content, High5 Loyalty cannot guarantee the information to be complete and/or up-to-date at all times. Therefore, no rights can be derived from it.
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Auteurs- en handelsrechten
All copyrights and other intellectual property rights relating to the information on this website (including, but not limited to text, images and software) are owned by High5 Loyalty B.V. or are included with permission of the relevant owner.